you understand humans has weakness and lust to power , fame , wealth , similarly people in power exploit those power ; they would say we are acquiring power for doing good but in fact they will cause more destruction and poverty
So its not fair to put those issue in to religion bucket , so for e.g US in the name of democracy ran into Iraq and pope tried to use its power to hold on to control and cause reformation ,
people use religion to justify their act , that is why I was asking for last 100 year or so religion is in decline but still one can see conflict so world war 1 and 2 ; so not sure what solution you have or how do you justify religion cause more harm and suffering
also not sure why you put Holocausts and Iraq war as driven by religion , how can you say that religion cause it why its not human problem to gain power and control and political reason caused it , how do you differentiate that
One way to look at it could be prophets mentioned in holy books how they lived , how many murders they committed? since book state that those people are send to implement and live their lives according to it ?