yes you are right , people are being forced to pick a side on this one , may be the image and videos coming out are too brutal ( not sure I have see some thing like that in past) , may be because of social media reach . One thing easy to pick is what mainstream media is not showing is mostly the wrong narrative
But yeah love of Evangelicals and war elites will make Israel great , unfortunately with lot of dead bodies ( not sure what will become of US though)
Why Are Americans So Uniquely Provoked by Israel—A Foreign Country?
Nethanyahu speaking on palestine
US seantor talking why they support Zionism
Christian Zionism part 1: Tracing the Lines of a Warmongering Heresy
Why Evangelical Christians Love Israel | VICE on HBO
America’s Christian Zionists: Israel’s strategic weapon?
One in four American Christians say they believe it is their biblical responsibility to support the nation of Israel.