Muhammad Fakharuddin
2 min readDec 28, 2023


Yes unfortunate Jews are not understanding it one more time, here is my analysis on this (


So what is the problem in Palestine, it's not about a piece of land that is given by God to certain people that will not justify that since it's based on materialistic grounds. It is a fight against oppression and colonization idea that has served the US empire well.

In short, it is a marriage of Capitalism with a wrong selfish ideology of human salvation or we say wrong theology hijacked by Capitalism, let me explain how

Zionism, which is an ultra-nationalist ideology ( might not have started that way in the time of Hertzel, and a more inclusive state with a Jewish majority) was taken over by the Elitiest Capitalist who were trying to maintain their legitimacy based on creating a Jewish state that would provide Jews safety and peace in the region; but essentially overtime has become an outpost of US in the middle east and its how it serve them.

1) Christian Zionists, who are mostly of Evangelicals Belief which consider greater Israel ( not peaceful) necessary for the second coming of Jesus( , they are in millions and serve congress in term of vote and funding

2) Geo politics to counter Iran, and Russia in the region ( Iran is another Evangelical biblical belief) and serve well to maintain US presence in the region

3) Make sure the US keeps an eye on Oil rich Arab countries and trade routes ( Please read when the Otommons (in World War 2) were defeated most of the current Arab leaders were the ones who fought against the Ottomans and in reward were awarded these pieces of land, hence we can see they are mostly in line with their western masters).

4) Weapon industry, An Unstable region means everyone will buy weapons which means profit for the military Industry Complex.

If one thinks introspectively about where is peace in all of these above factors; even please search up all Aliya that happened to Israel after war/coups/civil unrest that the US perpetuated ( Iraq, Ethiopia, Iran, Ukraine, …).

Not stating they were done to bring Jews to this land ( but yes if someone has an investigative journalist background can look into it)



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