yes I do not believe faith alone can save any one , its by God decree , also in my opinion Quranic narration make logical sense ( which is)
God created this universe and all the souls , who were told and know about their God , than God created body with clay and put soul of Adam and asked Angles to bow down , Satan was also part of Angles group but its ego came over and God allowed it to ability to be a force of bad in the world and exploit human weakness ( of lust , power, ..) . Adam and Eve were entered into a place ( like heaven) but Satan was able to made them do a thing which God told them not to , so God decided to send them on earth; (it not like they were sent to earth as punishment) it was always planned but than Adam repented and God with its mercy excused him; so Yes as per Quranic interpretation there is no concept of original Sin.
Now for human race they have Soul to guide them but than God decided to send prophets to guide people and send down instruction ; its said 124 000 were sent ; and in Quran there is a verse that every city was send prophets because it does not make sense if some set of people do not get the guidance they can complain on day of resurrection than its not justify to punish them.
Now in Quran there are lots of verse on whole history of Jews and they were the chosen people ; but chosen not based on race but of moral authority it said for 2000 years they have prophets amongst them and message is same for all prophets that is monotheism ; so as Muslim we believe that last prophets send to Jews were Jesus but than Jews did not accepted him and even try to kill him so God decided not to send the last prophets amongst them ( they were removed as chosen people because they thought their race is better and that is the reason God were sending prophets in them; hence their ego took over) but in lineage of Abraham's other son Ishmael in land of Arab
Quran ask not to make distinction between prophets because its God own reason to pick and choose who he want to make a prophet among the human race ; some Prophets were given Books and Miracles so Prophets can show them to demonstrate that they are the chosen one , Muhammad PBUH were not given any miracle but Quran say the book itself is a miracle and guide people and misguide them ; also God decided to preserve it since it will be injustice to people later that they did not got any prophet and book that they can follow
so according to Quran no one receive forgiveness ; even his prophets because its God will only who enter heaven and who end up in hell and kind of make sense; forgiveness and judgment should be based on actions and abilities ( and circumstances) that a person live through not just on faith ; since its possible that some one who believe correctly but still commit heinous crime .
But yes please do look through links I shared earlier if you are looking for more information ; also you can read and learn more about Jesus in Quran ; it will help you learn more about him