What is my beef with intelligent people?

Muhammad Fakharuddin
6 min readJan 9, 2025


If you put your head on the ground and look at the world it would look alright.

Photo by Ryan Wilson on Unsplash

Since the beginning of time, humanity has changed course in finding and inventing a better world; we have been able to produce humans that have been able to change the trajectory towards what is close to truth find new meaning, and invent a new world.

But where are those humans today, for whom knowledge is sacred, human love is essential and worthy to solve a problem; who put ethics and morality at high standards?

Today humans have become robots, devoid of emotions and just instructions on how to multiply wealth and achievements, even travel and trips and running for a cause are not to be enjoyed or empathetic about; but an act to be showcased on a social media timeline.

Our society resembles a burnout society; we are constantly running without thinking, reflecting, and knowing.

Other humans have become transparent to most individuals like they resemble an object that possesses certain properties without realizing it's the same human with a different color, background, and aspirations.

The question needs to be asked are we worthy of being called a human?

Many of us think humans are a product of a process of evolution, where we as human species were able to survive by constantly improving to the ever-changing environment; but today that same species is happy finding comfort and luxury and being intimate about it.

If we believe in evolution then our survival will depend not on finding comfort or ease but on the will to survive and improve.

Intelligence or having a good IQ is important; but so is reflection and wisdom. In the past attaining knowledge was a sacred act; it depends on who you select as your teacher or the source; and how authentic it is.

But with today's explosion of knowledge; the line is blurred with disinformation and misinformation.

Also, much of what is thrown at us is not important, and knowing it will not affect us or benefit us in any way; but if we follow the news feed our precious time is consumed in learning about an event unrelated to our life; instead, would that time be better spent if we find time for solitude; disconnect from every source and try to find ourselves. If someone bought a new car, tried a new recipe, or tweeted about a political opinion why does one want to spend hours going through that?

Knowledge is important when it can be reflected in some action or improve us in being more moral, ethical, and aware of ourselves; but most of what we consume daily is not reflected in any change in our actions.

Many enlightened ones amongst us still think most of the bad and ugly around us is still due to religion; which is backward and outdated and is a big Stop in the progress of man.

But in reality, the main problem is few among us are more certain about being in power, greed, and authority and they will eventually use any ideology be it: religion, nationalism, or fascism to reach their goals.

We are living in a secular world; there is hardly any country whose constitution states that our official religion is ‘X’ and rules are to be determined by certain rulings within a religion.

So please stop using religion as a straw man and being stuck in the narrative; instead, find a new path forward to improve the world and reduce human suffering.

We have the urge to find reality and truth, but most of the learned amongst us try to find it in the academia it specializes in,

a philosopher would think it would be in asking deep questions about existence, knowledge, language, and mind.

a physicist would think it can be found by proving things with mathematical models.

Technologists interested in reality would try to find ways to connect humans to machines or preserve human thought and consciousness.

Neuroscientists and Psychologists would think if they understood how perception, cognition, and consciousness shape our understanding of reality that would be the ultimate reality.

But in short, they are all biased because they are trying to use what they have studied over the years and trying to satisfy their urge by using mechanisms they only understand.

We have concluded that Democracy and Nationalism are the final ways to govern a society and live happily after. But if we try to look at it closely.

In a democracy, every vote is equal, a criminal, a drug addict, or a sex offender will get the same value compared to one who is educated, moral, and ethical.

Similarly, in many democracies in the world, only those who can afford to run for office need to have millions to spend; or are backed by a capitalist class who are willing to put a tag on a politician who once retained power would pass laws that suit their interest.

In short, capitalists put bets on a candidate who is charming enough (or Vulture enough) to get people's backing and once in power found to be incompetent or corrupt and follow orders of their masters with big pockets. Is this a suitable way to elect our representative?

While we know mostly narcist and greedy people would want to get themselves elected in positions of power; while more moral or ethical ones were found questioning: whether they be able to deliver on the promises they would commit to.

Nationalism also had many question marks; societies and people who have lived for centuries and shared culture and traditions were cut in pieces, Middle East was cut according to how much oil each region had and was easy to control.

Every nation is supposedly sovereign but in reality, there is a super state dictating what smaller countries should do and if they don't follow a certain policy leaders are executed, countries are sanctioned or war is imposed.

We live in a post-truth world, everyone has its truth and a bubble in which it cocoons itself; anyone outside of it is an enemy or classified as them; can we find a path forward that emphasizes human equality and human sympathy?

In today's world, everything is found to be lost or broken; academia is broken, family is questionable, gender is undefined and consciousness or self is unknown.

This is evident in the millions of deaths of despair around us through drugs, alcohol, suicide, and depression; yet one would hardly find an intelligent person protesting or writing to ban those substances and make laws so people can have a stable social life where they can be protected and cared for.

Why because we think the liberal-secular world is the perfect world we can imagine but do we give a child unlimited freedom or allow choices that could harm it then why do we think a human with no responsibility and no desire to serve its family and community is a good thing; we need order and certainty while the society around promote skepticism and nihilism.

We need shared stories, culture, respect, community, care, and love to survive and strive but we live in a world where greed, individualism, absurdism, and techno-feudalism are promoted.

Is the sole purpose of intelligence and enlightenment only to look after oneself and fulfill one's desire and materialistic gains? or life is more than that?

Knowledge without action is wastefulness and action without knowledge is foolishness. — Al-Ghazali

The body is purified by water. Ego by tears. Intellect is purified by knowledge. And the soul is purified with love. — Ali

Those who know they do not Know that to Know is to Know what they do not Know! Ali Sina



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