Muhammad Fakharuddin
4 min readOct 8, 2024


What is ISIS doing that is not according to Islam?

No its not please search “Fatwas against ISIS” , many scholars have denounced them

And the Quran orders you to fight the unbelievers close to you (Surah 9:123), so yes you could and should wake up one morning and start doing Jihad from an Islamic paradigm.

Its not , Jiahad is form of worship , you cannot worship when ever you want , for e.g there are 5 prayers you cannot make it 10 , even people will be punished for doing it

Please read some basic Jihad , what is it , who are allowed to start a Jihad and its obligation ,,and%20he%20will%20recognize%20them.

I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: The first of people against whom judgment will be pronounced on the Day of Resurrection will be a man who died a martyr. He will be brought and Allah will make known to him His favours and he will recognize them. [ The Almighty] will say: And what did you do about them? He will say: I fought for you until I died a martyr. He will say: You have lied - you did but fight that it might be said [of you]: He is courageous. And so it was said. Then he will be ordered to be dragged along on his face until he is cast into Hell-fire.

And you are not answering my questions. What is the context of Surah 9:29-9:30 that makes it okay? Lots of ranting no answer. Can we fight Muslims in the west if we had a version of Surah 9:29-30 but flip it to apply to Muslims? Would that be okay? You nagged about things being done in Muslim lands which you clearly think are unfair...

I shared 3 links with you , for context , and as I explained in my understanding its for that time . So if you think its how you claim it is , share historical facts where it is used to persecute and kill Non – Muslim ; there is no mass killing like we have seen in recent time like world war, mogols invasion, even Iraq, Syria war where millions are killed

( people are weak and have wrong desires so there might be groups who have used these verses out of context or justify what they are doing but its not a general principle)

This is Jizya FYI ,,by%20working%20on%20wages%2C%20or

The rate of jizya that were fixed and implemented by the second caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate, namely 'Umar bin al-Khattab, during the period of his Khilafah, were small amounts: four dirhams from the rich, two dirhams from the middle class and only one dirham from the active poor who earned by working on wages, or by making or vending things.[141]

The 13th-century scholar Al-Nawawī writes, "The minimum amount of the jizya is one dinar per person per annum; but it is commendable to raise the amount, if it be possible to two dinars, for those possessed of moderate means, and to four for rich persons."[142] Abu 'Ubayd insists that the dhimmis must not be burdened beyond their capacity, nor must they be caused to suffer.[143]

Sure enough lets have it in West if you want , Muslims used to pay Zakat to the government in earlier time while non-Muslim Jizya and most of the time/period Zakat+Tax is more than Jizya ( Muslim has to particpate in war while Non-Muslims do not because they are protected under Islamic lands and Jizya is taken for their protection and safety while they are allowed to practice religion, law as their religion demands)

But here lies the hypocrisy. Your Quran and your prophet say you should terrorise and cause chaos in non Muslim lands! And countries like Iran, who base it's constitution on the Quran do just that.

But somehow you find a way to not criticise the Quran and your religion which call for these things. But when others do it to Muslim nations, you very quickly see the problem with the things you are commanded to do.

Modern states use propaganda, media to make enemies , for e.g Muslim were good guys when West were fighting soviet , it’s the Afghan people who helped defeat and broke USSR ( please read some history) but when USSR was neutralize they need a new enemy , so since late 1990 middle east is the land where enemies live

Same is the case with Iran , CIA topple their govt because it does not suite them and British as Oil reserve were there and they did play to the tune , AS I said earlier if you look at the world through Western lens they will keep creating new enemy , I will share some links to back my claims

Also never foregt US is part of more than 100 coups around the world and has 800 based out of US ( and before them there was British)

Islam morality is based on Quran and Hadith and does not keep changing based on national interest or Imperialistic ideas , there are numerous verses in Quran to protect women, children , and only fight the combatants ( you can easily find if you want) but you can clearly see there is no limit in Western Values ; there aim is to destroy the people, their land and resources.

As I said earlier there are majority Muslim countries , but they are not run by Islamic/Quranic principles, either failed democracies, kingship, military rule, or Iran which is a rule of Scholars and West has played a very major role in the mess we are in middle east



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