Western civilization will commit suicide with its dagger

Muhammad Fakharuddin
6 min readNov 11, 2024


Iqbal wrote these words more than 100 years back, a person born in a clout of slavery under the occupied lands of British India; where his culture, his people, and his civilization were under the influence of the British Empire.

Photo by sebastien cordat on Unsplash

Yet a person of faith and certainty and vision; can see past all the glory and power of this empire and instead of becoming a slave to this material hegemon and bowing to its better civilization, culture, and practices; realizes the darkness it holds inside; which will make itself evident when the material self will wither away.

Diyar-e-Maghrib Ke Rehne Walo ! Khuda Ki Basti Dukan Nahin Hai
Khara Jise Tum Samajh Rahe Ho, Woh Ab Zr-e-Kam Ayaar Ho Ga

O Western world’s inhabitants, God’s world is not a shop!
What you are considering genuine, will be regarded as counterfeit(fake)

Tumhari Tehzeeb Apne Khanjar Se Ap Hi Khudkushi Kare Gi
Jo Shakh-e-Nazuk Pe Ashiyana Bane Ga, Na Paidar Ho Ga

Your civilization will commit suicide with its dagger(knife)

The nest built on the weak branch will not be permanent, stable

Western civilization is built on the notion of individual freedom and hatred of religion, and in that realm, humans become rational minds whose only job is to fulfill their desires.

Human is identified as a material body that can distinguish themselves from animal species based on rationality and social progress.

Once you build a civilization worshipping material progress, and ignoring finding what a real human is; you will make a lot of progress, capture and destroy, and loot more lands based on your superior firepower.

But in the end, forget that there is a limited amount of material in the world. When materialistic progress stops producing returns and oligarchs control most of the wealth by dividing people; the question will eventually become why we are making progress or looting other people's land.

Now in that state one doesn't have any answer to the bigger meta question of this world: Who am I? What is my purpose, or am I just an atom running around for no reason?

Wrong definition of Human

Many philosophers and thinkers of the past have spent their entire lives contemplating what a human is and its relationship with the universe; how can the West reduce this definition to only a material body? and become cozy about it.

If you cannot prove consciousness then you cannot deny its existence, and you do not know its effect on humans and its potential.

If you have a bad experience with a version of Pagan Christianity; where the human greed of the Pope and Church fathers created animosity toward religion; you cannot deny the existence of God and the fact that this universe come out of nothing and can sustain itself on its own.

Humans are a perfect mix of body and soul. The body has all the lower desires of lust, power, and greed while the soul wants to transcend the material to reach God and manifest God-like attributes of fairness, justice, mercy, and love.

The Human Job becomes to use and control those lower desires and put them into use to achieve a higher goal and create a better world, and in the process understand what is real, and destroy what is Evil.

When these highly aware individuals create a society, it will be based on high values and keep themselves and others in check for high morale; while at the same time taking care of each other and the environment.

Humans need to balance these two opposing forces and use them in unison to continuously improve human existence; instead of having one become overwhelming on the other.

Now with this definition, when we try to unite humans into a society it will be based on

Human Sympathy: This is because this aware individual realizes that this material is temporary, and some are given more than others, and acquiring resources is not the goal but human collection is based on human dignity and respect.

Equality: This modern individual knows any material construct of race, color, tribe, or nation is not based on human ability but is given( born into) it; so there is no reason to differentiate between humans on that matter; but humans are all created equal as all of them belongs to the progeny of Adam.

Freedom: For Humans to realize freedom, they first need to be removed from the slavery of any other human; any object like drugs or substances that take humans away from reality by giving them a fake sense of reality should be avoided. this definition of a free human group; will not let a class develop that rules others unjustly

But instead what happened….

Problem with a civilization built on material progress

Human is defined through Darwinian philosophy; whose primary job is to be selfish, survive, and acquire power.

Truth does not matter, Individuals will define what is truth and what is moral, and no one should judge the Individual because it is fulfilling its desire and finding happiness through it.

There is no higher self, and everything is created by itself, fashioned itself, evolved itself, and sustained itself; all the beauty, nature, creatures, and species came into being on their own — naturally, this led to the Post-truth era; where there is no truth and everything becomes a language construct.

Progress is only defined through material means; while the social fabric of family and taking care of the weak and old in society are abandoned.

Nationalism was invented and the world was cut into pieces, the idea is that as individuals will run with their headless happiness; we need a collection of laws and culture to keep them united to secure their happiness.

But this disillusioned individual forgets, that there is no one to keep in check human greed and lust for power, as that individual is fulfilling their happiness, an elite, and oligarch develop who control and consolidate their power over these disillusioned masses.

This elitist-feudalist makes sure people are divided through fear and gives them enough entertainment so they do not wake up from their sleep and question their leader's narcissism.

While the masses are busy being hippies or woke, their master is looting and burning the world, to acquire more resources and land; millions die in the process through colonization, world wars, marxism, and Western Imperialism.

Leaders and Warmonger get what they want but what the masses get; broken families; the death of despairs in millions through drugs and suicide; a nihilistic lazy obese mindset; and few who were able to climb the corporate ladder and become obsessed with getting the title of next big billionaire.

Why people are stupid to think that in antiquity few religious people would take reign and use God's name to retain power and influence (Pope); why would not it happen in a nationalistic state; would enlightenment change or remove the human ability to make another human slave?

Credit to this material civilization

This civilization; despite its flaws able to make great progress in every field, made great inventions in science and space, and created institutes, laws, and a constitution.

Its Material progress connected the whole world made it a global village, and propelled humans to reach space and find and solve various mysteries of the universe.

Showed what a human can achieve with its material half; even with one eye closed i.e. of spirit.

But could this half-sighted man, be capable of realizing his mistake and correcting what he did when defining itself or is it too late on the road to return back.

What is real will survive

The social progress of humans is moving toward a better version of itself, that is also what Hegel's philosophy of Dialectical Materialism entails; though it is purely based on material man; who is making progress with events that make themselves evident in the process of cause and effect and synthesizing themselves to a more progressive society.

But if this trajectory takes a horrible turn, and takes a route of no return, then truth will intervene; destroy it, and set it back on the pathway that is closer to truth.

In this scintillating battle of history, where we found ourselves; it remains to be seen when matter will be defeated by immaterial; it will be drastic and catastrophic for humanity, but it is what humans' hands have earned for themselves.



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