Well detail research article ; your underlying thesis is going back to Christianity ( I agree if it would have been what Jesus thought) will solve it ; problem is real Christianity is lost ; Jesus was a monotheist ; that is what Muslims/Quran also claim but the people are hell bound in making it a trinitarian and just need salvation out of God instead of removing human slavery from other human.
Also lot of your claims are wrong here, for e.g
Democracy, please read into how the 4 rightly guided caliph are elected after Prophet Muhammad PBUH death
Similarly read into how Muslim rule in the early expansion era, non Muslims are allowed to keep land , religion , family laws and idea was to preserve ; instead how Colonization happened?
Islam's golden age is proof that religion is not a problem, religion is not a hindrance to progress and both art and culture can progress under it, but you tried to underplay it
immigration/refuges, Muslims come to Western countries because of economic opportunities, mainly because for the last 3 decades US empire has been bombing their regions which created this mess ; I agree Muslims has lot of problem of their own ; but nobody want to risk a live on the boat until pushed otherwise.
US has 800 military bases , participated in more than 100 coups, more than 100 military conflicts and have killed millions of people in the process, so if wokness ( or what ever) cannot prompt the people to see this Evilness than nothing would ; general public still busy in these individualistic games while paying taxes and the country is ruled by few nuts and corporate greed and selling weapons and wars around the world.
Most of the Muslim countries are rules by corrupt , political elites/families which are mainly placed after colonization ended and not because of people will and hence if they are backward/not making progress its because of that social-political condition and not necessarily a problem with Islam
If Western people are not willing to look inward , what problem western countries has created in the Muslim world than I guess you will not understand
Also, I think Christianity will come to Western shores but it will take them back to the Dark ages, because it will a reactionary thought/emotion rather than a rational one