the most pious person
Our current definition of being right, and moral has confined us to the coffins of our individuality, and is a reason we don't complain or try to improve the situation of others when we observe oppression or misdeed committed; few might intervene under those circumstances but then again it's based on showing chauvinism rather than as a moral act.
But God of the world has higher expectations of us; if we do not improve the situation around us or dissipate Good; eventually bad in society will catch us and influence us into the wrong habitat.
Can be understood by these two sayings of the Prophet.
the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Allah revealed to an angel among the angels to destroy so-and-so city with all of its people. He [the angel] said: “Therein is Your Servant. He never disobeyed You, not even for a blink of an eye.” He [Allah] said: “Turn it over on him and them, for his face never showed signs of displeasure for My Sake.”
Similar narration holds...
“O you people! You recite this Ayah: Take care of yourselves! If you follow the guidance no harm shall come to you from those who are astray (5:105). I indeed heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) saying: ‘When the people see the wrongdoer, and they do not stop him (from doing wrong), then it is soon that Allah shall envelope you in a punishment from Him.’”
Another important lesson here is that a good act needs to be backed up by the intention of a believer; to make it closer to its creator; and not because it feels right or it's a societal norm.
Our current definition of morality is too self-centric, man is to be judged by the impact it created in society; rather than gathering up good deeds and being isolated from society.
Because everything is in motion or being subjected to a process of change; and as a believer, one's duty is to participate in the change to set things right, rather than off-boarding its duty.
Immorality or evil will not go away on its own; if we close our eyes; and it will cause harm to other humans and add to their suffering.
So if you have found God and developed a love for it, show gratitude by spreading that love around; try to stop evil and injustice for how much you are capable of and care for your neighbor, community, and family; instead of living in a cocoon.
We will be judged for our actions and intentions and true morality and piousness should reflect in our deeds for making society a better place for everyone.