thanks for taking a balance approach on this one , I agree with one state solution or a free state but problem Muslim leadership are weak and mostly in pocket of West and so is support to Israel to commit any atrocity it deemed necessary , you need strong leadership to take bold decisions rather than creating imbalance and destruction ( which is West is so famous for, US alone is said to participate in instigating coup 70 time, so no body trust it )
Jews and Muslim has always been went along fine , even today other than Israel-Palestine ( Jews even call living under Muslim Spain as their golden period)
this is how Umar dealt with it ( realizing the importance of Palestinian land)
Upon Umar's arrival in Jerusalem, a pact known as the Umariyya Covenant was composed. It surrendered the city and gave guarantees of civil and religious liberty to Christians in exchange for jizya. It was signed by caliph Umar on behalf of the Muslims, and witnessed by Khalid, Amr, Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf, and Mu'awiya. Depending on the sources, in either 637 or in 638, Jerusalem was officially surrendered to the caliph.[24] For the Jewish community this marked the end of nearly 500 years of Roman rule and oppression. Umar permitted the Jews to once again reside within the city of Jerusalem itself.[25][26]
after watching and reading lot , have to come to conclude problem is Zionism and their believe of messianic age and with being supported by Western evangelicals ( as it link to second coming of Jesus) is not going to end any time soon with suffering on both sides
Even Jews do not consider Zionist as Jews and claim they are using their religion to justify it
"We Cry for the Palestinians" | Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss
Rabbi Elhanan Beck | Judaism is against Israel & Zionism | BB #109