thanks for reaching out , in my understanding this sequential flow of tings is incorrect , time move in cyclical ways ( Ibn Khaldun) like a human cycle ( born, grow, kid , adult, ..) in same manner nation rise and falls , history is evident to it ; so what is truth, one that can defy time and space and still remain at end of it.
I agree we have our biasness, and might not be able to know absolute truth ( with laziness) but than there are facts ; which mostly we can reach through history, logic, anthropology, genealogy and so on; that is what most historians do .
It will be unfair to denounce the facts; so if you disagree to any of the facts in article let me know ( I think I have been fair with that) ; problem happens when we try to deduce a narrative out of it
It’s a fact US has participated in more than 100 coups and 100 military conflicts around the world , there whole economy works on that ; Similarly people were living in the area when Israel was created ; US has 750 military bases around the world; US wanted to establish its presence in the region, US provided weapons and billion of dollar in support to Israel.
Bases on above facts it will not be illogical to say what is happening is just an extension of same war and hegemony; before US it was France, Britian, Spain, Portugal,.. Same mindset different set of people.
There is no peace in this Imperialist mindset, there is deception , money, politics, deaths, weapons, oil, but no solution, I hope its not hard to see. Agree that creation of Israel is a more sophisticated project than an imperialist idea.
In Islam killing one unjustly is killing whole of humanity, that is the sacredness of human life, but here we have people debating it’s a genocide or not , why its hard to give one human life the same respect as to a million people.
Since you asked ”The question becomes, what happens go forward, rather than arguing about what happened to get us here! Positions on the past only open up the possibility of more conflict.” In this cyclical way we cannot ignore the past ; this again is a wrong way of looking at things, we don’t do this in our normal life, what ever ideology we follow should be ground in present but it should own the past and try to make future better; not by being stuck in past but learning and improving from it
At the end we are answerable to our actions, because we have capacity to think and have free will; while the rest of creation follow a certain pattern, so I think we should be careful of what we send forward because it will survive and we should make an effort to understand what is real, truth and just ; rather than being stuck in narrative and status quo.