thanks for reaching out
Please do not confuse acts of a man vs religion ; just because one claim it follow a certain thing does not mean it actually does . we should try to objectively study any thing
My thesis is every religion started with a simple message of Monotheism but its human weakness of control , greed , power has turned into some thing else
Now Even our current definition of human is wrong , we just think of it as evolved animal its not , simple argument is we have consciousness, free will , which animal dont and for evolution to happen those things are not needed so why we have those
Once our definition of human is unlinked to God we try to imaging human in lot of different ways , religion main goal is to help human find absolute beauty and truth and establish justice in this world ( which is also innate human desires )
we are perfect mix of body and soul , material and non-material , lower qualities and God like attributes ; now its our free will what we want to become ; but than there is a Judgment day to held us to account of actions we did and how best we live to our abilities
tried to expound more into these here , if it make sense to you