sorry I did not meant to judge
at this point don not see a a difference between Israel and US , because I cannot explain why one country would give 4 B $ to other which is better in term of free health, subsidized education , better quality of food while other has a struggling population of expensive health care , debt and homelessness
not denying Hamas and PLO misdeed or bad or wrong decision but they are reactions mostly ( even search Israel funded Hamas to counter PlO at one time) , US is part of 70 coups and govt change and we cannot expect any groups like these to counter these big powers ,if all Arabs countries are one page may be its a different story , but Arab puppet regime have been given these lands after breaking Ottoman empire ( so do no expect going against their master )
also you would find lot of material where Jews are protesting and writing again Zionist regime ; because in my opinion at the heart of this regime is not Jews peace even but same lust for more power and money ; but i guess with history Jews has been through its hard to make them understand and since child hood idea of doing every thing for state is built into them
school children are thaught hate
Zionism Before Herzl (1882-1896)
The Struggle for a Free Palestine | Miko Peled | Challenging the Zionist Narrative of Palestine
How Zionists collaborated with the Nazis, in conversation with Tony Greenstein | EI Podcast
A Christian Explains what Christians don't know about I$RAEL
With God on Our Side (2010) | Full Movie | Evan Albertyn | Gary Burge | Ron Dart
The Historical Roots of Christian Zionism, its Theological Basis and Political Agenda
Understanding The Myths And Realities Of Israel | Ilan Pappe | TMR