Sorry but you are picking and choosing a lot of things to put a certain narrative which is wrong ( could be done unintentionally if you don't have the full knowledge)
So for e.g if you do a simple search above hadith you quote, the Prophet is giving information of the future to his companion of the future, he is not asking Muslims to do that and if you search you will find that Jesus will be leading the Muslims so you should question why would Jesus do that ? ( also history is a witness to it Jews have been living peacefully in Mulsim land and even call rule in Spain their Golden age of diaspora, it is always the Christians who have persecuted them )
2) Your quotation on Jihad, is when you are at war and not a general ruling and we can argue that is lot better when the secular world killed millions in World War 1 and 2 instead of doing Jizyah.
3) Apostasy, do you have any stats on how many were killed because of that in let say last 100 years, also then again it is a ruling in a country where Islam is the law of the land ( currently there are only Muslim majority countries where Islam is not followed as law of the land but some laws are based on it ) I can ask you a similar question if a soldier conspired and sell important information of a state what its the law on that in secular countries death? In same way when Islam is law of the land that ruling applies to safeguard the ideology.
Also In my opinion you should not worried about Europe in 2050 ( and the Muslim population reaching that level) , because Evangelical Christians want to fight Germany ( along with Europe) with Iran ( and Russia) so they can have their Salvation and US its geopolitics and mass Weapon sale
I am hoping you would know about Evangelical belief (it's approx 1 in 4 Christians in the US hold this belief)