Society needs moral and strong men

Muhammad Fakharuddin
3 min readJul 1, 2024


Photo by RITIK GUPTA on Unsplash

Most of us agree that there are many things fundamentally wrong with the societies we live in. We have run into imbalances as a whole, and struggling to find the equilibrium.

We have become a most unequal, disunited, and meaningless bunch of mortals and have been ruled by capitalistic elites and oligarchs; who are happy maintaining the status quo while they continue to milk the planet and societies they control in the name of freedom, democracy, and liberty.

People are finding it hard to live through each day, for those who live around the poverty line in a third-world country are constantly threatened for survival with no access to mere necessities and clean water; while corrupt rulers tend to continue their power dominion.

Those who live in the developed world might have access to basic needs but feel powerless and meaningless, with broken families that are pushing them to loneliness, drugs, and suicide.

The question becomes, is this going to continue and we would let our corrupt greedy politicians play us around into us vs them, and keep us busy in a meta verse of matrix (social media and gaming) and consider us just cows who keep grazing and milking with no question asked?

Who is going to take care for the week, those who are less fortunate; or this lone habitable planet which we call Earth, or the eroding habitats of other species who share this globe with us?

Can we let uncontrol Capitalism and human greediness and selfishness burn everything or is there still life in a dead body to stand up and be counted?

I know toxic masculinity has created a patriarchal society and the reaction to it ( in the last few decades) has made most men lose their ground and place in society.

Most of them have lost their self-worth and the historical role they play as protectors and providers in society is now missing; instead, few have become depressed and suicidal; and others have become individualistic and more self-obsessed.

Our current understanding of the strong man is also glorified and wrong. Strong men are not defined by looks and masculinity but by ethics, and the morality they possess; patience, and endurance to sustain in difficult situations.

We need to resurrect moral men; who have the patience and perseverance to stand for what is right; who acknowledge hard work, who are willing to raise a family; and who can be a fatherly figure to their born child, but also to the community and society, at large.

The question becomes how we can create the necessary balance in society to produce; such a man who is not self-obsessed and individualistic but whose objective and mindset transcend self-interest.

Until then we will continue to be ruled by an elitist few, who will make sure the rat race continues to produce the next millionaire; and a few who have the greediness to make more materiastically while continuing to slave mankind who continue to work with their head down and no question asked.



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