Simon , if you are trying to find all the answers in one article I am afraid it does not reach to that level
So here is your original comment
"Thanks for the comment. But I don't see how you can say that. Where do you draw the difference between "real religion" and "man-made religion"? Where has "real religion" provided solutions? Wherever there is trouble, religion seem to be there. The Russian Orthodox talks about Putin's war in Ukraine as "a holy war". Catholics and Protestants kill each other in Ireland. Muslims kill each other (Sunnis and Sh'ites) in various places. Look at Buddhist Burma (Myanmar) and the persecution of Muslims. and Hindu India and its appalling treatment of Muslims. Then there are Muslim jihads that kill people. Why was there a jihad against Salman Rushdie, who wrote a book that would have been read merely by a few academics and a handful others if Muslim authorities had not given it massive publicity and ordered a jihad? Muslims are still trying to kill Salman. Where is this "treal religion"?"
Let me ask you rhetorical question , if Muslim have not attacked Rushdie or if you have not heard about ISIS fighter/9/11 happening would you have accepted Islam as the true religion ; are those only your grudges against Islam ?
Jihad is a pretty broad term in Islam , basically its an act of worship , there are multiple level of it , starting by trying to stop something bad from happening by tongue, by pen, by hand ( and last of it is by war)
Act of worship ( Jihad) has objective/procedure/instructions ; have you read those and come to understanding that those are incorrect/outdated/violent?
Did you search up fatwas against ISIS ( for e.g
Problem is when westerners mostly look at Islam is from specific lens , and its been a target of Orientalist for centuries, media also portray it as backward. Also Muslim are also very bad representative of their religion, what they believe and read in Quran/Prophet life they dont act upon; also they have went through colonization and corrupt rulers/dictator has been imposed on them ; which has greatly impacted their progress/education
So in my humble opinion, study Islam from its source instead by acts of few ; similarly if you want to study liberalism/secularism/democracy you will read it from its founder/thinker rather by action of Western countries ( colonization . imperialisms, control of capitalistic elites, millions of death )
I think true monotheistic religion can solve our problem , give us purpose, provide guidance on individual level vs community and country level
So in this article I tried to give a frame work, what that model will look like and how it make sense