Quran proving it to be true: The Unrecognizable ones

Muhammad Fakharuddin
6 min readSep 10, 2024


This is a series of articles, where we will look at verses in the Quran and how it relates to understanding our current world and getting closer to the truth. Every verse in the Quran is a sign back to its monotheistic God; who revealed these as a mercy to its creation; now it’s upon us if we want to reap its benefit or deny it before understanding out of arrogance.

Quran 59:18) O believers! Be mindful of Allah and let every soul look to what ˹deeds˺ it has sent forth for tomorrow.1 And fear Allah, ˹for˺ certainly Allah is All-Aware of what you do.

And do not be like those who forgot Allah, so He made them forget themselves. It is they who are ˹truly˺ rebellious.

Photo by Kyriacos Georgiou on Unsplash

Modern man is the greatest denier of God and truth in all of history, previous generations were not so blinded, they associated partners with God; since they believed those entities would help them reach God but they were not truth deniers.

In the Islamic Golden Age, both the religious and secular worlds went hand in hand; there was no dichotomy and why would it be; The human self does not work that way it observes the universe and surroundings as a unity rather than fragments of reality.

But with the advent of scientific progress and information and renaissance ideas; when human ethos was generated it lost its connection to its history; modern thought is that the function of time is linear, and we always progress under it; the next advancement in science can solve any problem that happens today; this new mind which generated in mainly Western societies got these ideas in response to Christain hatred and dogmas that has played its part in stopping humanity progress.

So they built the whole model of progress and human societies on individualism and materialism; even history has to subdue it.

This modern mind initially based its knowledge on human rationality and truth-seeking; which is a step in the right direction; but then how far one can travel with a fundamental lie “There is no creator and everything comes into existence on its own” and you alone can provide meaning and its okay to ignore life big questions of why we are here; what is our purpose and who created the universe.

Postmodern thinkers put a final nail in the coffin, by subduing all meta-narratives; as if there is no truth and everything is a language construct; now everything is questionable or uncertain, and we stand on a fluid surface that keeps changing.

Now what is left to discuss in this post-truth world; is a few identity and gender debates, technology, climate, culture, and a few conservative values so red can debate the blue, entertainment, and politics.

If someone becomes too enlightened, a few more topics would open up like taxing the rich, high basic income, animal rights, spending less on military expenditure, use of technology for kids, and internet for all.

Humanity has become worse than animals because animals do not have free will, the concept of self, and consciousness, but we the humans spite of possessing all these faculties; are happy to hang in line at the top of the animal tree.

Modern meaningless man has reduced himself, to a mere animal who needs food, sex, shelter, and a lot of dopamine in the form of liking posts and commenting on videos, and since we are not getting satisfied with these few tend toward more sex, drugs, or suicidal attitudes.

Let's look at the Quranic text, humans can be only understood or become a real meaningful human; in the reflection of God's attributes, and it tends to wither away if one does not continuously improve on that relationship.

God is Merciful, so humans should be merciful to all of God's creation, which also includes nature.

God is Just, so to be human we should be a source of balance and Justice to the world.

God is the truth, so human is the one who always seeks truth.

God is the source of peace and flawless, so humans should always be the ones who are trying ways to benefit and help others.

God is all loving and forgiving, so human dignity lies in following the same traits.

God is the most patient one, can we be the same?

Humans have been given the faculty of God consciousness; which allows them to be the vicegerent of God on this world, a mere mortal but possessor of all those God-like characteristics and a worthy bearer of this huge responsibility but is it willing to think and ponder?

Iqbal built his Philosophy of Khudi on this specific verse which is explained in this

Khudi is an ocean which has no limit,

Nothing can be done if you take it as a stream

Your life and your dignity is due to Khudi

You are a king if you retain it, or else you are dammed

If it is priceless, it is only because Khudi is protected

There is nothing in the pearl except its shine.

Again he says

What is Khudi? It is the secret of life.

What is Khudi? It is awaking of the universe

It shines in darkness in ‘I’ and ‘you’ but is untouched by ‘I’ and ‘you’

Eternal beginning is behind it and eternity in front.

There is neither any limit behind it nor in front.

Life and death are not worth any concern

Only Khudi is the aim in the eyes of khudi

Khudi is the expression of love to eternal and its manifestation, it makes one powerful and selfless, opens us up to a world of impossibilities, and makes us light and independent of being stuck to this world and our desires.

Such an understanding of Khudi and ishq, when informing an ego or a self, brings a ceaseless effort on the part of the individual to do what he freely wills. There is no restriction on his actions except what it imposes on itself.

Below Iqbal is referring to the love of Abraham for its creator; when a huge fire was made to throw him into it, for a common man it would have reasoned that fire would burn it into ashes, but for a person whose hold its love superior, fire will change its characteristics as per the will of Allah.

When love teaches the manners of self –awareness

The secrets of mastery are revealed to the salves

Fearlessly love leaped into the fire of Nemrud

Reason is still viewing the shoe from a distance

The acts of godly man grow with love

Love is real life and death is forbidden to it

The melody of life is due to the plectrum of love

The light and fire of life are kindled by love

Understanding humans, and what is to be a human has been the focus of many thinkers, but it has taken a back seat with modern thinkers and the only definition left is of a material man.

Famously Socrates said, “To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.”

Rumi — “Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you.
Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.

Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.”

Ghazali — “Knowledge exists potentially in the human soul like the seed in the soil; by learning the potential becomes actual.”

Consider an Iron ore; if it becomes weak like glass, would we still use it for construction; its essence and life exist in attaining and fulfilling those qualities.

Similarly, if a lion starts to eat grass, and is satisfied with it; would we still call it a lion or king of the Jungle?

So should we call the modern man a human being? if it's devoid or unknown to what it is.

Fair enough it looks like a human, eats like a human, and walks like a human; but is he a human?

Quran 7:179 Indeed, We have destined many jinn and humans for Hell. They have hearts they do not understand with, eyes they do not see with, and ears they do not hear with. They are like cattle. In fact, they are even less guided! Such people are entirely heedless.



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