quite compelling , from the heart and quite painful picture of us vs them _ I have seen quite a few writing on these themes; how to achieve balance , harmony and peace
I think I have written it some where else as well, peace needs justice, justice needs power ; problem is we need power in more Sane Consciousness' Man who are willing to think above themselves , have a higher cause ; but most moral human are confused or stuck in their individuality.
We need certainty ( Like Evil and power Greedy people have) of a individuals and than need to join those individuals for a worthy cause - need some kind of ideology , text , morality which appeals to human consciousness and raise the bar
Unfortunately human reduce them selves to animals - while they are a perfect mix of body of soul - but since we cannot observe Soul we reject it but it is the one which make us unique in the whole cosmos - are we courageous enough to question this
Here are some of my thought on how to leave a better world ( people would say that these ideas are couple of centuries old; but that is the best I can come up with)