Oh man !! you wrote such a long response , thanks for responding in between, I will try to answer most of them, also will try to answer most of it through the book itself (and sunnah), so if you need reference to it I should be able to pull.
first briefly read some of your article and about page; you have wealth of experience living in different places and time; doing different stuff; and studying Quran. Its really cool .
I mentioned on top Islam allows you to question itself by opening door for Ijma and qiyas, there are very few things which are dos and don't which are not questionable and few believes ( like one God, Angles, Hell and Heaven) , I am open to discussion on any thing in Islam but which are prohibited make total sense as well
1) Adultery
2) Alcohol (drug) consumption
3) Interest ( we can see how capitalisms is ruining the planet
. and so on..
teacher .. so you noticed all the prophets that are send by God are humans and they brought the message and explain it to people , after last prophet Muhammad PBUH that responsibility is shifted to his followers ( same like bani-israel was chosen after Moses) , to preach/forward this message ; its a pretty heavy responsibility and obviously you can notice Muslim are doing a very bad job at it .. so i brought that teacher point because like God did not send a book on certain mountain to become available to humans he appointed some one to imitate those teaching ... similarly if there is one Muslim country or group today expressing the text in real sense and trying to live by it it will be great example for human kind and for other Muslims as well .
Science is nothing but a tool , it cannot teach how to live a life or answer any question like why we are here , where we are going or why earth exist ; it tries to explain how; so every thing its explaining or inventing its already there and happening for centuries. Its using materials available on earth to invent new thing; its not creating any thing out of nothing. It is also the cause of most of the bad in world climate, ocean pollution, wars and so on.
I am not saying science is bad (it does not have capability to be good or bad) it the human weakness (ego, greed, lust for money and power , .. ) that has made bad use of it
Also I don't buy into science vs religion argument , from my understanding they compliment each other, Quran asked us to reason and use our intellect (wrote some thing about it, https://medium.com/the-heart-of-quran/a-conversation-science-and-religion-85ae33474fed)
where is soul ( it could same thing as consciousness) in body, i guess science is not able to proof lots of things ; dark matter/energy , where intuition exist; what is past black hole; how universe was created out of nothing; that does not mean it does not exist ;
In fact Quran point to lot of scientific facts which later were discovered (https://www.whyislam.org/on-faith/the-quran-and-modern-science-3/) , any ways I am not fan of convincing people that Quran is right because it has those facts ; its not a methodology used by Quran; people have free will they can choose what they want.
God gave us nothing and he in not visible - i guess you would already know Quran is very clear that this life is a test and we have been given resources (mind , body , soul, books, environment and time) ; now people will be judged based on it; how they used those resources and actions they performed. if God show up today on sky(with all his majesty) and say i am God i am pretty sure most of us will stop questioning him but than it will not be a test ;
sustaining the world - what i meant if today earth stop rotating around it axis or cloud stop moving l cannot make them work so we need him all the time , yeah i am responsible for things that i am capable of but results are not in my hand ..
also we need religion; to organize (or live) our life with certain ideals (morals); like you can see west is trying to champion the idea of democracy ; and who is not following it ; its gathering force to fight it (and majority people support the idea); same goes in any organized group like army; they follow certain practices/rituals to develop unity, cohesion and meaning ; else we will see nihilism and chaos ; vice versa is also true if a doctrine is evil it will create more destruction than good for the society.
humans are animals - i am all for evolution but its an insult to say a human an animal; yes we might be 99... percent same to some other animal but can you explain we are centuries ahead of any animal in term of progress or our wisdom; why animals are still living like they were hundreds of years back; so if we are same how does a 1 percent difference in gene create a gap as big as the universe. that is why God has chosen us to represent itself in this universe
In the end wanted to say we can unite humans based on common ground and mutual good amongst ourselves instead of further dividing ourselves and fight evils/problems that are trying to harm us.