Nana, I agree everyone in area can live peacefully and mostly were, in my opinion its mostly colonizer mindset added with evangelicals’ wrong theology.
making it lot harder, we know colonizer went in and remove indigenous population from US, Canada, Australia while. Looted and plundered other parts ( mostly north western European nation) and these force found a theological basis as well to support their narrative ( Evangelical Christian Belief , that Israel needs to be great again for Jesus second coming) , so these forces helped created Israel and use Jews as a guise to justify their occupation ( while in first place they were the one who persecuted Jews but now become friend for their own selfish objective)
for e.g these two books below are one those used to popularize the idea, selling millions, solution: in my understanding until if we get rid of these Christian Zionist friendship with state of Israel we are not getting peace, because peace does not suite them , making Israel bigger and greater does.
Left Behind tells an apocalyptic story about the ending of Earth (set in the contemporary era) over a period of seven years. The true believers in Jesus Christ have been raptured (taken instantly to heaven), leaving non-believers behind on Earth, now a shattered and chaotic world.[4] As people scramble for answers, an obscure Romanian politician named Nicolae Jetty Carpathia rises to become secretary-general of the United Nations, promising to restore peace and stability to all nations. What most of the world does not realize is that Carpathia is actually the Antichrist foretold in the Bible.
According to James Bielo, it is based on a dispensationalist interpretation of prophecies in the Biblical books of Revelation, Daniel, Isaiah and Ezekiel.[5]
Multiple books in the series have been on the New York Times Bestseller List. Starting in 2000, Books 7 and 8 reached number one on the list followed by book 10, which debuted at number one.[9]
In 2016, several books in the series were bestsellers and 65 million copies were sold in various languages.[10]
Late-Great-Planet-Earth , It sold more than 28 million copies by 1990, an estimated 35 million by 1999, and was translated into more than 50 languages, A 1977 movie version narrated by Orson Welles ran in theaters nationwide and was later broadcast on HBO.