My question remains, who is teaching young men how to be responsible, involved men today?
I guess I am trying to bring this point home that historically that is a mother ( and family job) Job to raise good kids while father/male partner goes out to earn and other partners spend time with young ones; but now with a growing sense of equality between genders; kids are getting less attention and most of their development is done by schools and society at large and hence we see the growth of drugs and depression in young adults
Also, I think ( read some article in past) women is more choosy when it comes to partner selection and with lesser men being attractive ( as women are not only looking for physical attractiveness but is he more intelligent, have more income, have more education, is more trustworthy, ...) they are not finding right partners and preferring to stay single . While those are not so stringent criteria on the man side
I think in a bigger picture we should go look at society at large for the greater good of society, marriage and living in a family is important for both genders and a strong and stable family unit is necessary for any future generation ( else it is not justice to them) ; unfortuanately we have created a society where everything is driven by a captalistic and material mindset ( and individusality is promoted) rather than schools/govt working toward making laws/harnessing values to promote family life/respecting parent and building realatonship