interesting take , but In my limited understanding of Marx; I would not agree to this thesis
I think problem lies in the definition of human ;Islam take is that a human is a perfect mix of body and soul , and both of these set of desires are to be used in unison ; so for e.g every one of us has urge to power but if that is not used in right direction it will be used as a tool of oppressions ( Islam does not want to remove it but utilize it) , similarly some people want to excel economically/create enterprises and so on; and we should set boundaries so it does not go out of control ; hence other than creating brotherhood in Islam and promotion of charity , and the fact that any thing a person have is not its possession but is given to it and it will be asked about it ( and other have shared in this possession) .
Islam also fix capitalism in a big way by restricting usuary/interest in a society and hence promoting hard work ( and removing laziness) . So in short my understanding is Islam is all for capitalism but with this definition of human and society and with restriction place on it
have not watched this , but looking at title but provide some more context