I think we can look at the world and can up with the answer we are looking for?, in last 100 years or so religion is in decline ; and its not playing a significant role in politics, economics, .. but yet we are still able to kill millions in world wars and even after that (in the name of freedom , democracy).. able to kill millions across ; so are we improving in term of morality or decreasing?
And able to produce characters like Hiltler, Staling , Mao, .. (who are not religious motivated) ; why did they killed millions? Why no body tried to stop them? ( is Morality needs to be practiced or just need to be written about?)
We are on the verge of climate catastrophe because of capitalism ( which only appeal to our vulture instincts of acquiring more at the expense of other people , nature and our own future) and we have the highest form of inequality between masses ( .01 % vs the rest) ; do we care about a child or human dying in Africa of hunger/war compared to a person dying in West? why is that, does morality differs when you are born at a certain place ? ( because God is ever present and looking over if one comits a sin even in a cave)
mostly its Christianity, which has given a bad name to religion, because the text got corrupted and when the acquired power/technology they have been abusing it ( its a human problem not a God or religion problem to have ego, lust, power hungry, ..)
Wrote a piece and tried to show how a monotheist God can help solve lot of issue we are facing today