I think question should be what Jesus , Moses, Solemn , Jacob, Joseph preached or relate to vs what Jews follows , there is a reason they were send prophet for around 2 thousand years because they were not following monotheism and other laws and causing corruption and divergence ; other wise if a certain nation is already following Gods word does it need to be send a prophet?
In my understanding there the core message is consistent what each prophet brought but human being human followed their desire and changes the message and corrupted it
One of the example is when Moses saved the Israelite crossed the red sea with a miracle parting the sea , and while on other side when Moses went to meet God , they started following a Gold made idol (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus%2032&version=NIV) this story clearly tell how quickly people turn back to their native way of life though they have just witness a miracle.
Even Jesus message was corrupted , he never claimed divinity , ask people to worship him , but later once wrong concept were added to it it become illogical and hence cause lot of issue , and hate-red against religion and people started to find meaning in themselves and follow their desires
In short IMO its a not a God Problem, Prophet Problem or religion but weakness of people to stand with truth and persevering with it