I might know all the details as you might , but reading your response you seem to agree that Israel is making lot of mistake but yet Hamas is bad because it kill civilians, why not say that Israel along with west is creating situation and not moving toward peace because they do no want the area to be stable , they just want more land so they can have more people move into it
Why its hard to understand that if certain conflict are not resolved it become complex and lot of other actors become part of it, there is a boiling point to every thing and people are people not animals and they react. So when oppressions is made do not expect Palestinians to throw rose on Israel
even on Oct 7 case , think logically that area is supremly guarded with Israel being the best in business of it , with multiple layers of security and yet Hamas came in did what it had to do for 3-4 hours and took hostage and got away. Is it not possible this is a inside job or by design Israel army did not response to gain sympathy, I mean if West and Israel can have all Arab leaders in it pocket why not Hamas, there are quite a few article out there lot of people died on Oct 7 because of cross fire from Israel side and number of deaths are manipulated and hate is generated in common public to justify the war
you seems to be left leaning person, so that is what I said earlier Israel citizen are them selves confused and Isreal govt is exploiting nationalistic feeling to justify its actions, but my conclusion is that Zionist regime and its allies in west does not want peace and they will keep setting a pretext for war even if this current one settle , its related to Oil in the region and keep the west war machinery going and also backed by biblical prophecies which is linked to second coming of Jesus after Jews messianic age.
So not sure what their end goal is but it mean suffering and pain for both Arabs in the area and Israeli people, they are just using you like Christian Zionist are using American public tax dollars . Some links below
US seantor talking why they support Zionism
Christian Zionism part 1: Tracing the Lines of a Warmongering Heresy
Why Evangelical Christians Love Israel | VICE on HBO
America’s Christian Zionists: Israel’s strategic weapon?
One in four American Christians say they believe it is their biblical responsibility to support the nation of Israel.
But why are there so many Christian Zionists in America?