i guess what i meant with the 50% probability , is that you cannot deny my God , by saying God does not exist ; because the same burden of proof lies with you as well to prove it does not exist ; so you can be agnostic at best.
As i explained earlier , existence of God is quite easy to explain by looking at its impact ( like you believe on dark matter or dark energy without proofing it) like functioning of universe, day and night , water cycle, complexity of human body/brain
Assumingly you have a car and you put oil and gas in to sustain it, and if some body is to tell you that car came into existence itself and can sustain itself on it own you will say its ridiculous , so same applied to this universe, earth , nature around us thinking that they came into being themselves and sustaining itself on it own is illogical.
Yes you can question the nature of God and its attributes that is different discussion.
You keep saying burden of proof , what proof you need to satisfy your desire of a entity (which is higher in attributes than us and sustaining this universe ) how that proof will looks like , how will you judge the validity of that proof ( in between Jesus came with so many miracles which he attributed to God but yet Jews did not belief on it message and instead wanted to crucifix him )
Justice- is an in built concept like Mercy , urge to acquire truth, Love, those are reflection of God qualities in human soul - lets says some kill a loved one of your and the killer is not caught would you want justice or you would be okay to let the killer roam free