Muhammad Fakharuddin
2 min readOct 13, 2023


I did not say East is the solution, East has its own problem, they have corrupt leaders or dictatorship ( mostly due to west) , obviously the lack behind in education, basic human necessities etc , even I would say if there are open borders most of them would want to get to West because of better economic opportunities here

Also, I claim there is no Islamic country, but there are lot of majority Muslim country ( that distinction is also necessary) , Islam teaches one to be aware of the situation and fight for it basic rights but majority Muslims let corrupt/dictators leader stay and do not put pressure on them and learn and change their situation instead of being passive ...

Problem, I tried to explain earlier with West is after so much Renaissance/Reformation they came to conclude that individuality, liberty, and freedom are values to live and their lots of suffering, and killing in that process. What happened people in the west think we have arrived at a better ideology and way of life and see we have been able to achieve lot of material progress , Fine !!

Now they made their public dumb or sold the idea we are progressive and better and what they should care about go an vote and on the pretext of this progressiveness we are going to wage war and conflict around the world and no body can question because we are doing it for the betterment of society at large but underneath they have their own sinister plans and targets ( which are driven by religion/colonization mindset)

one would argue that every empire of the past did that, fine, you are allowed to become brutal like the Mongols but do not tell lies and deceive people say you want to capture x,y resources and just do it, do not be a hypocrite to your people and people elsewhere .

I mean seriously what is the point of getting all that information, media, and PhDs if Western people are not aware of themselves and their surrounding and what their govt are using for their tax money while leaving them in petty issue like identity, racism, individuality, drugs, no families, ...

It's fine we do not have to agree, but hopefully able to convey the thought process.

Also ( since you claim I am biased) I have come to conclude that human progress should be measured in terms of improvement Socially ( rather than only materialistically) and we are human ( not animals) so we should seek out truth and beauty and justice to have peace individually, in a family and in society at large.

One of the philosophers/poets I admire a lot Muhammad Iqbal, said something, I have not seen a dog bowing down to another dog but I always see a human bowing to another human



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