Muhammad Fakharuddin
2 min readMar 29, 2024


I agree to that part where Muslims are weak and should look to the mirror and improve themselves

But If you are really looking for answer these two might help ( also thousands of Jewish Writes, historian, Rabbis, Individuals are protesting against this genocide so not sure why you think you are the more intelligent one)

Also wrote a long piece; and explained how Zionist regime does not care about Jews safety or cause in front when making decisions ( I guess you can also focus on that, and also what is happening in West Bank for decades by settlers and no Hamas exist there)

Also FYI, Muslim rule in Spain is called the golden age of Jewish diaspora, Muslims are the one who protected Jews when pograms were being committed against them across Europe and Russia. Muslims were the one who allowed Jewish to return back to Holy Land after Romans denied them for decades . So can you show a little gratitude?

“If I knew that it was possible to save all the children of Germany by transporting them to England, and only half by transferring them to the Land of Israel, I would choose the latter, for before us lies not only the numbers of these children but the historical reckoning of the people of Israel.”

Ben-Gurion (Quoted on pp 855–56 in Shabtai Teveth’s Ben-Gurion in a slightly different translation).

“If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?”

David Ben-Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.



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