I agree religion gets twisted , but so is any ideology or idea, that is a human problem there is always some one who want to benefit from it; so same applies to idea of democracy and liberalism ; are we following what the original idea was intended to be?
not sure if you get a chance to read my article , but I think basic mistake we do is fail to identify human , we have reduced human to bare animal and its needs . If any ideology fails to identify what human actually is , what its potential is , and fails to establish that human relationship to nature and universe than I don't think we can make any progress or improve our condition
religion cause war - lot of learned people are sell on this idea, if you look at history who fought the most or who are the most violent nation - in my understanding it mostly north western European nations - they kept fighting amongst each other during middle ages and even after getting secular were the ones who did colonization , multiple war , genocide of native in US and Australia etc - and happen to follow Christianity - which got corrupted by Paul and Constantine, .. ; so eventually religion tend to get the bad name since its has these illogical issues - Muslim do not see that with their religion and none of the philosopher in Golden age of Islam ( Currently we have a big problem with Muslim because of orthodoxy and corrupt and puppet leaders, innovation etc - but mostly dont think its because of religion) - we can discuss more if you disagree with this thesis of European nation - being Obsessed to gain power and more resources sounds wrong
Any way we should think of an ideology which can propel human to make goals and objective above their desire - and constantly improve innovate in that regards ; to create Justice and Balance in this world and at same time stay moral and conscious - Until we have a group like that - we will continue to be rule by Vultures