I agree, Jews are played into it one more time , wrote a comment on another post , i guess have read enough to come to this conclusion ( could be wrong).
we need to understand that these images and brutalities committed by Israel govt is not going to help, not defending Hamas here but i assume you know history does not start on Oct 7 , there are hundred of documentaries documenting what is happening ( some below if you have not seen) , point I am trying to make is do you sincerely belief does Israel govt want peace for its citizen or does it want greater Israel ( and bring all Jews back to this land and kick of messianic age) , because only instability can allow them to expand , please do not take my comment as another derogatory comment , but some thing to think and rationalize
and add fuel to it what Christian Zionist want to create a greater Israel as well ( for second coming of Jesus, they control the narrative in congress along with AIPAC etc, hence USA give 4$B every year. even Christian Zionist lobbies Israel govt)
Problem is if leftist, secular Jews do not collaborate and stop their govt to solve this ( and get away from Christian Zionist) , it will be used as fuel to generate hate across different land ( both against Jews and Muslims , which serve their purpose to get more Jews back to this land)
also please read history Muslims and Jews had very cordial relationship ( there might be few differences on political ground) over centuries expect what is happening in this land for last 100 years , its mostly Christian that persecuted Jews, but some thing change for last 200 years or so, since Christian Zionist existence and rise to power in different govt organization, idea become to use that hate to get them to this land to serve this dogmatic belief of second coming of Jesus
there are other players involve as well ( like interest of war machinery to sell weapons, oil and geopolitics but those also needs a instable region)
A Christian Explains what Christians don't know about I$RAEL
Zionism Before Herzl (1882-1896)
Gaza Fights For Freedom (2019) | Full Documentary | Directed by Abby Martin
With God on Our Side (2010) | Full Movie | Evan Albertyn | Gary Burge | Ron Dart
Jewish Pro-Palestine Protests Against Israeli War On Gaza Demand Ceasefire
"I Had to Rip Off the Mask I'd Been Wearing" | Rabbi David Mivasair