How I see it is lot different , may be its about perspective ; Yes Prophets did not sin ( but they can) God has special protection for them ; since they were send as role model to humanity
But Even after that there are lot of personalities , who were incredibly pious, righteous and Just . but that does not mean they did not Sin ; James the righteous , Caliph in Islam, Hadith collector , even Cyrus/Zulqarnaian example Quran used and Luqman ( there is a Surah on it)
Even Sin is not a big of a problem ( in my understanding) , because we can always return to merciful God , who is waiting for us to return to it
There is a hadith
“Allah is more pleased with the repentance of a servant as he turns towards Him in repentance than one among you upon a camel in a waterless desert when (that camel) with his provision of food and drink is lost by negligence. Having lost all hope (to get it,) he lies down in the shade disappointed about his camel, and there suddenly he finds that camel standing before him. He takes hold of his nose string and then out of boundless joy says, ‘O’ Lord, You are my servant and I am your lord. (He commits this mistake out of extreme delight).”
IMO , problem today is human realizing their true potential ( or what they are capable of) ; God make them vicegerent of this Earth ( on owner) but they declare themselves as evolved form of animal and are content about the fact
Iqbal famously said ( on Ascent of the Prophet on Miraj - that human can reach the throne of God)
By Holy Prophet (PBUH)’s Ascent this truth to me was taught,
Within the reach of man high heavens can be brought.