historically speaking no body has the right to land any where , that is why we have wars who ever occupies and have might to sustain it wins, problem is not of land , Palestinians were the one who allow Jews to settles initially but when they realized they are no here to settle in peace problem starts - Also most of the Jews living there are secular so please do not justify it based on religious ground and even before Israel existence Christians , Muslims and Jews were allowed to live harmoniously in that area ( also please read how Umar allowed Jews to come back after Muslims conquered Jerusalem from Romans in 7th century)
I have share a sample of videos ( hopefully you are not expecting hate being thought in schools to be published on a mainstream media; you will find those on social media anyways) I cannot change your opinion so if you are really looking for the other side or real truth you can search it up yourselves and listen to Anti Zionist Jews and ex-IDF soldiers
Wrote a longer version of my response if you are looking for my narrative ( tried to write it objectively)
Muslims any ways believe in eventual Justice so who ever is right will witness it if not in this life time than hereafter.