Muhammad Fakharuddin
1 min readOct 7, 2024


hey dude, your lies are not working, Islam is still the fastest growing religion.

verses here are either out of context or trying to portray meaning which is not and have been debunked by many sites/videos (people will find it if they really want to)

Simple question , Muslims are allowed to marry into both Jews and Christians so why is that if non believer are to be treated harshly ?

if you are not living under a rock you can check how many millions of people has been killed by Christian/Secular countries; starting with world war and more recently in Iraq and Afghanistan; and before that Orthodox and Protestants has decades long war and how the dark ages were people are punished even for taking a bath

Muslim rule in Spain and India for more 500 years and any one can search up how non Muslims were treated (I am not saying its perfect but nothing what this article is trying to portray) ; But than When Christians took back Spain they did not leave any Muslims and Jews there

Irony is Christainity has been persecuting Jews for centuries and now you are trying to poke issue in Quran

Even search up how in early expansion of Arab or Muslim conquest how non-Muslim land were treated

Hope God give you some wisdom..



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