hey Daniel ; not sure you wrote this for yourself or the audience ; but you make lot of claim which does not seem right IMO
First to clear this science vs religion debate is a western issue historically there are lot of Muslims and Christians scientist who would find this idea absurd ; why because if you believe in a one powerful God all knowing and wise; then it did things logically and for reason for people to observe and think ; majority of your thoughts are a product of enlightenment ; which is based on hatred against Christianity ; so all idea and philosophy developed in last couple of centuries are in hate toward treligion and it painted all the religion ; logically is it right to do that ?
reality - we did lot of progress in science but only in material manner but we still do not know what is reality is , time , quantum, beginning of universe and so on ; not saying that is why we should accept God ; but pointing to claims in this article
balance - humans are struggling big time to find balance between man and women, desires and need, destruction of unit of family , inequality , war , drugs , climate ... can rational mind figure out the solution
We are living in a secular world in terms of mostly government in power ( religion has become a private matter) but we are still struggling both world war and multiple after that where millions have died are fought by secular nations , colonization before that based on national/secular interest ; so what is your solution to that even I hardly find any atheist writing about it ; can they protest/raise voice with the government to ban alcohol and drug use ; Where does all the rationality goes ?