Good question , I tried to provide a blue print how Monotheistic religion will leave the world and human specie in a better state and used Islam as a religion
If you agree Monotheism make sense , logical , historically accurate, than question is which religion professes these concept and ask its followers to abide by it
Many religion are not Monotheism by definition ( either Polytheistic or Spiritual in nature) so we can skip those , for the two claiming Monotheism; I read a little on Judaism and Christianity they also started as Monotheistic ( but as I explained that human mind has entered it) so Christianity turned it into a religion about Jesus ( instead of Jesus) and claim divinity in its personality and Judaism turned it into a religion of Certain tribe ( and Genealogy) and allowed Rabbis to add and subtract based on their interpretation. So it turned into some thing else.
God is one for all Abrahamic religion , but after those interpretations and add on , it seems different . Rituals are a way to make an individual remember and conscious of its responsibility and keeping him aware ( rather than dozing off)