Muhammad Fakharuddin
2 min readAug 2, 2024


First I would agree that if this country is not open it would not have allowed so many different religion/identities ; but than again would have suffered to get lot of system/progress done which immigrants derive so its a win win.

I have not read your other articles , but I see this country as a one rule by techno-feudalist who has in front of them capital gain, their own selfishness and greed but too keep the democracy going they have create a façade in front but essentially it’s a two party dictatorship.

We can whine about who wins but if you are a non citizen of US it does not matter to you who ever come in power blue or red , more or less same policy of war/conflict is applies because this country is run by war economy , selling weapon for which they need hotspot or geo-political tensions.

Now even if you are US citizen and not doing well monetarily; i guess you would not care whoever wins , there are bigger crises homelessness, debt, rising inflation , inequality, education if you have grown up kids, paying off medical bills etc and none of the two party are going to do much about it.

I do not agree to your comment that most war US is involved in is based of religion , even I would argue for last century at least we are living in a seculars world but we have not stop war and providing human life the sacredness it deserve but we have found a novel way to divide us further into nations - Both the world war has no religious reason and so on

Even today most of Muslim countries when fight is not based on religion its same geo political reason/nationalism/political - Just because majority of that country follow a certain religion does not mean that religion is bad or violent

Now tell me a state/time period where Secular/Atheist rulers/people rule and it was peaceful and liberating for people - we can compare that to our time

In between I recently wrote an article about Christian Nationalism; I think that is the only future west has left with because liberal values are not bringing in any good and there is fear that immigrants are replacing them; there is dissatisfaction among masses and now these Capitalistic Oligarch will use that sentiment to drive what they want ; i.e divide people further and keep them engage while continuing the status quo.



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