Evangelical and War Hawks want Germany to fight with Iran

Muhammad Fakharuddin
11 min readMay 31, 2024


The US empire is built on perpetuating wars around the world, they create enemies for themselves and enjoy destroying them; this mindset is not much different from postmodernism where there is a war on any stand of meaning; and people do not seem to agree on any meta-narrative; instead have deconstructed themselves into small communities and become disunited and self-centered.

Photo by GR Stocks on Unsplash

The empire normally does its evil work in the guise of shining ideas of liberalism, freedom, and democracy as if to demonstrate it's doing this for the people of the area; instead, it's a con artist playing its trick and the idea is to either sell more weapon in the area, push a budding power in the area, bring down a leader who is not towing its policy or matters related to black gold — oil or controlling trade routes.

Israel is a place where intersection happens for most of the groups controlling the US empire.

Evangelicals — who want to make a greater Israel for tribulation and rapture to happen and bring about Jesus' return; this group is essential for ensuring the fake democracy and support continues for the idea of greater Israel.

Geopolitics — to continue the hegemony of the US empire while keeping in check any growing influence of China and Russia in the region.

War hawks and the Military-industrial complex provide an avenue to sell more weapons in the unstable Middle East.

Control of Oil and trade routes that go through the area to Europe; to ensure it has necessary control of energy supplies and essential goods reaching Europe.

So how do you hide these glaring groups working through Israel for their benefit; Simply using the holocaust and the security and safety of Jews to guise these and to ensure that no peace is reached in the area and ensure no resolution is reached within the parties operating in the area; so it provide the necessary means to continue the status quo.

This Con act also required far-right sentiments and fear operating within the people of Israel from their Arab neighbor; the solution is Netanyahu and leaders of Haredi Jews collaborating to ensure they remain in power and Israel remain in a military posture and continue in its quest to grow its settlement across West bank and dealing with a heavy-handedness in Gaza.

While Israel continues to sell distress signals, it has become easier to sanction more grants and weapons and more military bases in the region.

How Evil Operates

What Satan wants, is for people to be divided and disunites and be at war with each other.

Ultra Elites who are in control, want to continue on their merry way of putting out new fires so they can continue producing more profits; while they are preparing for the doomsday scenario by building bunkers on remote islands around the globe.

In a hierarchal group working for Satan, very few are aware of the real consequences and the whole picture, the rest are working for their lust to acquire more resources and their ego and dreams.

Europe Evil Friend

With an Evil friend like the US that Europe possesses, Europe has been giving this pill; under the umbrella of NATO in case of any security situation or the rise of any geo-political issue, the USA will provide the necessary military and weapon support.

This allows Europe to go on the back seat, reduce its military spending, and become spineless and yes man to Mr.USA.

If Europe had been a strong body it would have taken a different stance regarding the Ukraine war or the crises in Gaza, because both conflicts are occurring near them and directly affecting them economically, in trade, and causing energy issues and inflation.

Now with Europe being weak, and weak people do not make strong decisions, they will continue to play into the hands of War hawks into fear-mongering with Russia and Iran.

Gaza war fallout

Hamas attack propels things into motion; which may be what the US and their counterpart in Isreal do want to carry out in a rush; but now with the whole world watching it's hard to counter the destruction of Gaza and justify the killing of babies and women and making people suffer and using food as a weapon and denying basic human needs.

But as the Gaza war fallout appears to happen; these Evil leaders are stuck they cannot stop because that will start roll-backing what Netanyahu was able to do and they would not find another option to control the whole area and reduce its population, but they cannot continue with rising pressure from everywhere and even from their allies.

One option that can save the chicken head is to start another conflict, to drag the focus away from Gaza; which is closer to Israel so it will help it collect its war booties and play a passive role but not where it would be directly involved.

The US has been weakening Germany

This mainly happened because of Russia's energy cuts, which affected the industries in Germany and bumped bills for local consumers; affected the job market, and caused inflation.

People have good reason to be frustrated. In 2023, Germany’s economy contracted by 0.3% — the worst performance of any major economy — and posted the highest inflation levels of the last 50 years. Its industrial production declined by 1.5%, factory orders fell by 5.9%, exports shrank by 1.4%, and imports by nearly 10%. Last November, unemployment reached its highest level since May 2021 (5.9%).

There is also Putin's claim that the US was behind the sabotaging of Nordstream which supplies gas to Europe; your guess is as good as mine but it does not make sense for Russia and Europe to sabotage it; so we need to ask the question whose interest it serves?

The US is putting German companies in a tight spot by not allowing them to work with China and sanctioning those companies or making it hard for them ( who do business with China) to sell their products in the USA.

One of the factory entrepreneurs in Bavaria “We started doing business with China two decades ago,” Munk says. “The German government encouraged us to cooperate with Chinese firms. They told us it would be a win-win scenario.”

Twenty years later, the German government has changed its tune on China.

“The German government is not in any position to bail out German companies invested in China,” warned Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock at a national security strategy meeting in June. That echoed the new language employed by the European Union, which labeled China “an economic competitor and a systemic rival.”

But really which country is competing with China and Russia? how does stopping or slowing trade with China and working with Russia for energy supplies serve which country's purpose? Does the rollback of globalization help Europe or affect it negatively?

Refugee crises across Europe

The US champions itself as a flag bearer for human rights and freedom, but on the contrary, runs its economy by acquiring other people's resources or destroying them. They also do not consider protecting human life or the lives of children or women when toppling governments and regimes.

But as the US perpetuates these wars across the region; to which European nations quietly submit; and leave a trail of chaos and destruction; these war-torn regions go into a period of power vacuum and become unstable.

This gives other small militia groups the necessary space to try and make a profit by controlling land or oil resources and bothering the people.

This trickles into common People; who are already displaced and have no future of peace returning to their land, going out in search to find stable places and livelihoods; some risk their lives in ships and dangerous passages to find land across Europe or other neighboring countries.

As of writing this, there are 110 million, forcibly displaced people worldwide in mid-2023 as a result of persecution, conflict, violence, human rights violations, or events seriously disturbing public order.

And not surprisingly 52% originate from just three countries.

Syrian Arab Republic 6.5 million
Afghanistan 6.1 million
Ukraine 5.9 million

Where are most of these refugees located; below are stats from unhcr site.

Islamic Republic of Iran 3.4 million

Türkiye 3.4 million

Germany 2.5 million

Colombia2.5 million

Pakistan2.1 million

When refugees land in these places, they are not able to assimilate into a foreign land because of language and cultural differences; they would not have the necessary education and experience to find a job; so it's not unusual for them to struggle and do crimes to meet the end meet.

So a decent enough question is who is responsible for this chaos and loss of life and eroding so many family futures and livelihoods? if dumbness has a name then European leaders are close to that state; to let it happen under their noses.

Rise of Far Right leader across Europe

We know when economic conditions worsen, and inflation and job and homelessness crises become common; it becomes easier to give rise to populist leaders who are good at making big claims to solve those glaring problems and tunnel vision of people's mindsets fall into these claims.

These populist leaders mainly have very black-and-white solutions, like they will pick one or two problems and put all the blame on them, and people's rationality in that moment of crisis goes down the drain and herd mentality kicks in.

My best bet is non-natives living in Europe will be identified as the black sheep of society; populist leaders will vent out all the hate and solutions on how to sort out this menace who has come and occupied the jobs ( which locals are finding hard to get by) and changing society norms; similar to what Hitler did with Jews that they are the source of the problem, and to revive back we need to get rid of them.

Leaders with big mouths also have big egos and will be easy prey to the words and sentiments of people that they have gathered around them; also populist leaders have been elected for their knowingness of being strong which they had shown during the election era and it will become hard for them to back down when any situation arises for them to claim the fame.

How will it start

How the conflict will emerge remains to be seen; it could be a false flag at sea, a missile taking down one of the German ships, and most probably the US will pull out at the last minute to support Europe in this crisis and with a knee-jerk reaction to respond; Germany will be pulled into and with it, Nato and other European nations will follow.

In its current capacity, Germany is playing a small role in the Red Sea with its Navy; protecting its assets, and investing in relief efforts in Syria to counter some balance Russia and Iran have in Syria with the Asad regime.

Trump has been pretty vocal with European Nations to help themselves and invest in military and weapons and does not expect the US to come out for help in the face of any aggression. This is propping the bigger European government to flex its muscles and rebuild its military; as the return of Trump is becoming quite ominous.

Macron recently reiterated calls for a third way between the U.S. and China, saying Europe must show that “it’s never going to be a vassal for the United States.” “However strong our alliance with America is, we are not a priority for them” he said. “They have two priorities: themselves — fair enough — and China.” “We can even ask ourselves, what is a nation? What does Europe want to become?” “This is a decisive moment, a turning point. Our Europe can die.”

Destruction of Europe

Europe has built itself on Renaissance ideas of secularism, liberalism, and democracy but a sudden shift in policy toward fascist nationalistic ideas and a turn to hard right; will give rise to groups who would not agree to this notion of Europe and want to move it back to liberal ideals that they are proud of.

People with extreme views are hard to reconcile; the liberal-minded group will try to fight for the rights of non-natives being persecuted while the far right will label them; disgrace them and attack them.

In this situation, society needs an ideology, ethics, or commonality to untie the knot, In my understanding, Christian Nationalism will be coined as a glue to revive Europe back to it hay days; the focus will not be more on religion but using Christianity as a cultural thing which provides meaning to society, and allow society to let go of drug, gambling, sex and unnecessary entertainment to come back its core family values and ethics.

The rebuilding of Europe after the war will be based on Christian Nationalism, and Europe will return to the Dark Ages or Middle Ages.

What will war help achieve for the US?

Iran and Russia will become considerably weak; At the same time, Israel will be protected from getting a direct hit and this will allow it to emerge as a new power hub in the region with a vacuum created because of this conflict.

This will also allow Israel to grow bigger and gain more neighboring land while everyone is focused on this big war between Germany backed by NATO and Iran backed by Russia.

This war once triggered; has the potential to turn into a Nuclear war or a world war; time will decide that.

But the US will be willing to sacrifice its so-called friends in the form of NATO; in the interest of protecting its assets in Israel as this war will serve all the interest groups who are the limbs and hands of this Evil empire.

This will also provide the US with the opportunity to considerably weaken Russia and Iran; who can challenge its hegemony in the future or become a threat to Israel.

What the Europeans and German can do

First, Europeans need to realize that the ideas of egoism and selfishness fuel US and Capitalist War mongers, they are only interested in selling more weapons, protecting their assets in the right-wing Israeli government, and gaining more resources; and they are not worthy of trust and friendship.

Europeans should be making policies that suit their interest, based on their region and their mutual interests, instead of letting their government become a client state of this Evil empire and letting it play along to its tune of opening one conflict and another.

In the upcoming election, they should vote and ensure that far-right parties come into power and control the governments, they will more easily buy into these ideas of fear and be drawn into conflicts.

They need to understand that refugees and non-native from Africa and Asia normally come to these progressive states because peace, safety, and security are missing in their lands; mainly because of corrupt puppet leaders that have been installed and because of these debts and wars that have been pushed on their lands. Everyone deserves a better life and should be allowed to live in peace and safety.

European governments are equally responsible for the state of third-world countries suffering from corruption, poverty, and extraction of resources and oil from these war-trodden lands; first when they participated in the colonization of these lands and later when the US was destroying them they played the role of silent spectator.

Now as the war, inflation, refugee crises, job losses, and instability return to European lands, they are equally responsible for making the wrong decisions and should not let this blame and hatred be vent out on specific communities.



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