Em, looks like you hate Arabs - that is fine , but have you heard the narrative of multiple video's of Christians and Israel IDF soldiers and Israel Historian speaking out ; are they all wrong and you some how you arrive at right conclusion
will leave few , if you have not watch please do , and after watching you still think fighting and killing more people is a good thing than i guess no one can help you .
In between also read some history , before 1930 , Muslims and Jews went along pretty well, in Fact Jews called the time they live in Spain while Muslims rule there as their golden age so a genuine question is what changed since then.
In fact Christian Pastor are writing to Evangelical Christians to stop supporting Israel ( because of the theology of the Rapture and Jesus' return )
Munther Isaac on the war in Gaza, Christian Zionism and religious stereotypes | The InnerView
"Dying Slowly While the World Is Watching": Bethlehem Rev. on Israel's War on Palestinian Christians
Meet Meital Yaniv, Former Israeli Soldier Turned Anti-Zionist Organizer
Ex-IDF soldier: Why Israel must be stopped
This Israeli Soldier Fought In Gaza. Now He Speaks Out
A Christian Explains what Christians don't know about I$RAEL
"We Cry for the Palestinians" | Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss
Understanding The Myths And Realities Of Israel | Ilan Pappe | TMR
Interview with Israeli dissidents taking action for Palestine