Dude, you have read lot of history but majority of Muslims in middl-east and Asia does not see the picture as you alluded to
1) West rules have time and again set up a pretext to war to start a conflict: Iraq, Libya: Qadaffi, Egypt: Morsi , either they set up corrupt leaders, support dictators or do a false flag to start a war , I am referring to 9/11 which still awaits a trail
2) Media narrative ( since elites West control it mostly) is double standard , so what they say as extremism in most of cases its fight for freedom, which is basic human right , both in case of Afghanistan and Palestine , they are fighting for their land where they are living not going out like west in name of democracy to start a war
3) Same double standard when Afghans were fighting Soviet they were termed heroes and provided assistance but then they become terrorist , Provoking China and Russia is Ok but consider what will USA or Europe do if China bring one of it naval ship in their waters, will they allow it ( Cuban missle crises is also an example)
4) UN and all these human right organization are kind of deceptive as well , they are just there for spectators , hardly remember any war or conflict they have solved or resolved , even financial aid are provided to corrupt leaders to weaken an economy and keep the country unstable ( being referred this by few: https://www.amazon.com/Confessions-Economic-Hit-John-Perkins/dp/0452287081)
There are lot of narrative out there, very few of them are based on truth and unbiased and lot based on deception and lies ( and still firmly believe that most of what is happening around the world is based on religious believe of Elites Jews and Christians, referred and source in my article under the cloak of secularism)
Also even with in West, don't think they are going to remain stable very long, considering they are failing on lot of social progress metrics: loneliness, mental illness, drugs , rising inflation, disappearing families and birth crises, identity issues , refugee crises ( product of when you go in other regions and make them unstable) ... material progress has it limit ( wrote some thing along the lines, https://medium.com/illumination/ten-hard-questions-for-the-future-of-humanity-f05a69dcb31a)