Muhammad Fakharuddin
2 min readMar 10, 2024


agreed, there are also countering verse for e.g ( in the link I shared above)

‘My Father is greater than I’ (John 14:28)

‘My father is greater than all.’ (John 10:29)

‘When you pray, say Our Father which art in heaven.’ (Luke 11:2)

Its also an issue ( that we have to consider) with translation ( from hebrew) and context in the time , so for e.g Roman emperors were called father ( so it could be out of respect

Also we have to consider verses are not actual word reveled, but mix of inspiration, what the disciple understood .

Every one has free will to decide what they want to believe, and we have been given intellect and moral consciousness to decide what is wrong and right and we will be judge on that ( and our intention and actions to go along with our belief)

I guess my story is simple , God is one and all powerful and one , and created human as his vicegerent on earth ( Adam did a mistake , he repented and God with his mercy let him go of that sin) , in order to guide we are send Prophets , they all preached same message of monotheism , law and guidance change based on time and context. Jesus is in same line of Prophets and so was Muhammad PBUH; (who was the last Prophet) . this narrations is consistent with history and sound logical

I am not asking Christians to convert to Islam ; and I don't think Jesus would also wanted; but asking them to remove these wrong interpretation ; and bringing Christianity back to what Jesus preached monotheism ; but don't think its a easy task or quite possible before Jesus returns. Problem is Christian countries has gain power ( obviously with God will) and they are using this religion narrative to harm and cause suffering ( Evangelicals mostly) and than because of illogical narrative religion is getting a bad name over the centuries and cause people to move away from God and make a mockery of religion ( in Islamic tradition associating partners with God is the biggest sin)

Not sure what is your concern with Islam, but two things wanted to mention, entering Islam is just believing God is one who is all knowing , Sustainer and Creator of earth and Prophet Muhammad is his last messenger ; if one sincerely belief that he/she is already a Muslim, one just has to say the two Sentences of Shahda. Any question, concern, issue one can resolve as the knowledge and believe expand for a Muslim

Muslims are not a good representative of Islam, so if one look at them for inspiration they they would find lot of gaps in their actions and what the believe

tried to expand that in this article



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